black rainstorm warning record

The Black Rainstorm Signal (the highest category) was issued in Hong Kong on 30 March 2014 for only the second time since 2010. Heavy ran fell and this part of Sheung Wan faced some flooding (you can see water coming out of the drain in the road rather th

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  • HKO Warnings and Signals Database Rainstorm Warning Signals(Amber, Red, Black) Database re...
    HKO Warnings and Signals Database - Hong Kong ...
  • Rainstorm Warning System The rainy season in Hong Kong is normally between April and Septe...
    Rainstorm Warning System - Hong Kong Observatory
  • The shortest break between two "Black" rainstorm warning signals was recorded on...
    Interesting statistics on rainstorm warning signals
  • Followed after the termination of the flood warning, the revised rainstorm warning system ...
    Rainstorm Warning Signals - Weather Wonderland of Hong Kong ...
  • The black rainstorm warning - the highest of three storm signals - was in place for one ho...
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  • The Black Rainstorm Signal (the highest category) was issued in Hong Kong on 30 March 2014...
    Heavy Rain in Hong Kong: Black Rainstorm Signal on 30 March ...
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  • Please click for Classes affected Typhoon and Black Rain Signal Guidelines 1. In case of T...
    Typhoon and Black Rain Signal Guidelines - ABRS
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    Hong Kong tropical cyclone warning signals - Wikipedia
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    Black Sabbath (album) - Wikipedia